About Us
A sensor-cloud solution for energy optimization
BridgeThings provides sensor-cloud solutions for monitoring & optimizing energy, water and other utility resources to help large industrial and commercial buildings become more sustainable. Our LoRaWAN, NB-IoT wireless sensors and gateways enables our customers to seamlessly collect data from geographically distributed distinct assets without the need for wiring. With a highly scalable sensor networks pushing data on to the cloud, our deep analytics platform does all the heavy lifting of analyzing the data to provide actionable insights resulting in significant energy efficiency and cost savings..

“We are on a mission to help modern spaces with wireless technology for making them more sustainable and improve their bottom line”.
How are we different?
“You can’t manage what you cant measure” – Energy conservation & sustainability starts with monitoring and understanding how a space is being utilized in terms of energy. BridgeThings provides a scalable, wireless and efficient solution for monitoring distinct distributed utility assets to understand how energy, water and other utilities are being consumed. Though BridgeThings provides a wonderful monitoring solution, our expertise and difference is at a later stage where sensors automatically control & schedule equipment to optimize loads based on the insights generated by the monitoring system. Our wireless smart lighting solutions based on occupancy & ambient light, volumetric HVAC cooling, fixed setpoint operation, predictive maintenance inputs has helped our customers save costs up to 40-70%.